St Nicholas Russian

St Nicholas Святой Николай


St. Nectarios of Aegina Святой Нектарий Эгинский

St. Nectarios of Aegina Russian

St. George Святой Георгий Святой Мученик и Победоносец


  • Language: Russian
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 64
  • Size: 11.50 cm x 16.50 cm (4.52 x 6,49 inches)
  • Author: Eyaggelos Lekkos
  • Year of Publication: 2013
SKU: St. George Russian Category:


Святой Георгий Святой Мученик и Победоносец
St. George

The holy, glorious and right-victorious Great-martyr and Trophy-bearer George was a Christian Roman soldier killed under Diocletian at the beginning of the fourth century. Though he was born in Cappadocia, his mother was from Palestine, and thus he is a particular favorite of many Palestinian Christians. He is also the patron saint of Moscow, Georgia, and England, amongst other places. The Church commemorates George on April 23, and the translation of his relics on November 3.

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